Punctual and geo-localized environmental parameters detection based on distributed wireless IoT sensor network simplifies specific data monitoring like temperature, air moisture, wind speed and direction, soil moisture, solar radiation, concentration of PM10, etc…. The data collected will be sent to the LoRaWAN concentrator and the fed to a cloud infarastructure, to be shared and processed through predictive models necessary for water management, optimization of phytosanitary treatments, forecasting of weather events and trends in pollution levels. Key points of this solution are: low costs of structure and great flexibility and ease of installation/maintenance, compared to current systems.

  • Environmental parameters monitoring systems for Agriculture
  • Air quality monitoring systems
  • Communication systems for the Smart-City
  • Communication systems for the Industrial



Smart Agricolture

Smart Viticulture

Smart Factory

Smart City


Energy Management

Water Management

Remote sensing


  • LoRaWAN
  • Internet of Things
  • Cloud Computing
  • Big Data and Data Analytics

Target customers

  • Public Administrations Bodies
  • Civil Protection Agencies
  • Environmental Protection Agencies
  • Agricultural Companies in the sectors of Wine, Hazelnut, Fruit and Vegetable
  • Agronomists and Trade Associations
  • Meteo Forecast Providers

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